Thursday 19 December 2013

Leviathan Mortis Showcase

Here is my Completed Leviathan Mortis.
Its painted up as a Knight Titan form the House Adventa, deployed to Pandorax in support of Legio Crucius (Warmongers)
I hope you like it. Any comments or adjustments you can think of please leave a comment.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Leviathan Mortis Complete.....well nearly

Hi Guys.
Been a while since I've posted again.  Not really had a lot of time to set up the camera.

So I've managed to get on with the 3 leviathans, and i'm now concentrating on each in turn to get them finished.

Leviathan Mortis.

Obviously the base still has a way to go but it's got to the stage that I've been working on it that long I can't see the wood for the trees. I'll need a break to paint some 28mm models and come back with fresh eyes to see what still needs doing.

The Scythe is 90% done, I'm just waiting for the wife to get home so I can steal her hairspray. I kinda left the Scythe until last and have noticed that the hydraulics would be better with the cream worn effect like the legs have.

One job that I do know needs doing is soot effects on the smoke stacks

I'll also be adding cotton wool for smoke like I have done for my first Crusader.
I've added some OSL glowing from the generator bleed offs. I think I'll add some Bronze/gold to the Power packs, I think they look a bit like batteries.

Here is a close up of the legs, I've tried to give it a dynamic pose, as if it's running to deliver the killing blow.
The way I see these chaps operating is as forward scouts, using their speed and agility to get close to larger Titans and super heavy vehicles.

I'll be using these as Knight Titans and they show their Titan allegiance on their left shoulder vanguard.

Leviathan Crusaders.

Next up we have the two Leviathan Crusaders.

Number 23 Annhilalatum, a close combat variant.

And Number 46, Justus Mors, a long range tank destroyer.

My thinking is that they display the Titan Household on their breast plate and their personal heraldry on their left arm. 

 So thats all for tonight, hope you've enjoyed the update.
Please leave any suggestions or comments on what i've missed and I'll catch you soon.