Tuesday 17 June 2014

Hi All
My army is slightly off beat in its organisation ( Don't tell the inquisition ) 
Companies are split into 3 troops and a heavy support group. Each troop consists of 1 assault squad and 2 tactical squads led by a Captain supported by a Nuncio vox and a vexillas.
The heavy support group consists of 2 Devastator demi squads, Dreadnoughts and any Centurions ( if I ever see a conversion for them that I like) These troops are controlled by a Company Master with command squad supported by a Veteran squad.
This still gives me 100 fighting marines in each company ( Plus the Veteran Squad shhhh) but allows the company master more flexibility in sending troops off as self contained battle groups.
My reserve Companies are different as well, the 6th and 7th comprise of 10 Tactical support squads for a reserve company ( not split into troops) These squads or demi squads are reserve squads and are sent to support other companies as needed. the same is true of the 9th reserve company, this is split with 10 demi squads of heavy support squads and 10 demi squads of devastators.
Following on from my last post, I have finally got a few of the marines finished. Below is were I stand at the moment with my 6th and 9th companies. Sent to aid the 5th company on Pandora.
I hope you like them and please leave any comments on the models or my task org

First up Squad Rikbiel 5th squad of the 5th company
Using 3 Marines from the Dark Vengeance set this squad has a Missile launcher and a plasma gun with the sgt armed with a power sword and a combi Grav gun

Next up Squad Ophieln 6th squad of the 5th company
Using 2 Marines from the Dark Vengeance set this squad has a Plasma Cannon and a plasma gun with the sgt armed with a Chain Sword and a Plasma Pistol.

The 6th Company 
The symbol on the marines arm is an upward facing arrow, this is used by other Chapters as a designation of a tactical squad but I use it to represent that these are Tactical support marines, I plan to add squads with Melta guns, flamers, Plasma guns and Volkite Caliver
Here is the 5th Squad armed with Rotator Cannons, I love these models.

The 9th Company
The symbol on the marines arm is an inverted "V", this is used by other Chapters as a designation of  Devastator squads but I use it to represent that these are Heavy support marines
Squad 1 armed with Auto Cannons

Squad 2 armed with Las Cannons

Squad 3 armed with Heavy Flamers

Squad 4 armed with Volkite Culverin

Still to finish are the Plasma Cannons, Multi meltas, Missile launchers and Heavy Bolters

I'm still debating how to flesh these guys out, the 30k Legion list says that to increase these guys to a 10 man squad would mean another 4-5 Heavy weapons with the Sgt either having one or being equipped with a bolter. I think I'm swaying towards the second Demi squad being kitted out with Bolters carrying extra ammo. Either that or kitting them out with another 5 heavy weapons so that fluff wise they are sent out as Demi squads in support of the other companies.

So Thats it for this update, I need a break form painting Green so i'm going to do an Imperial Knight next and then some more Tau before returning to my Da

Thanks for reading and if you have any questions/ comments please leave them below.
Till next time Take care and happy painting.