Sunday 9 February 2014

Leviathan Crusader complete and Dark Angels Tanks

Hello all.
January was a busy month. I had lots on with my new hobby Kayak Fishing so I spent a lot of time getting that rigged.
The Weather here in the UK has been a nightmare, strong winds and loads of rain. Perfect weather for hiding in my office and painting.

So I got the 2nd (3rd) Crusader completed. I've stuck with a very simple base again to give the model centre stage.

Still stuck on Pandora helping my Dark Angels drive off the chaos incursion.

As You can see I've armed him with Twin Hell Cannons.
This guy makes full use of his mobility to out flank the enemy super heavy tanks and take then out.

Joining him on my battle field are 4 Dark angels tanks.

First up is the 5th companies 1st Troop Hq Armoured Proteus Land Raider.

I've gone off track with my company structure and have split each company down into troops.
The Force is as follows:
Company HQ.
                     Company Commander
                     Company Banner Bearer
                     Company Radio Operator (RO)
                     Company Chaplain (Interrogator) 
                     Company Command Honour Guard ( 5x Veteran Marines) 
1st Troop
                    Troop HQ
                    Troop Radio Operator (RO)
                    Troop Vexillas
                    Troop  Command Close Protection (2x Mnes)
                    Squad 1  10 x assault Mnes
                    Squad 2  10 x Tactical Mnes
                    Squad 3  10 x Tactical Mnes

2nd Troop
                    Troop HQ
                    Troop Radio Operator (RO)
                    Troop Vexillas
                    Troop  Command Close Protection (2x Mnes)
                    Squad 4  10 x Assault Mnes
                    Squad 5  10 x Tactical Mnes
                    Squad 6  10 x Tactical Mnes

                    Troop HQ
                    Troop Radio Operator (RO)
                    Troop Vexillas
                    Troop  Command Close Protection (2x Mnes)
                    Squad 7  10 x Assault Mnes
                    Squad 8  10 x Tactical Mnes
                    Squad 9  10 x Tactical Mnes

Support Troop
                    Troop HQ
                    Troop Radio Operator (RO)
                    Troop Vexillas
                    Troop  Command Close Protection (2x Mnes)
                    Squad 10  10 x Devastator Mnes (2x  5 Mnes Demi squads with 4 heavy                                     Weapons each) 
                     3 x Dreadnought
                     1 x Rapier squad ( 3 x Rapier weapon systems)

Armoured Troop

Completely Un Codex but it allows a far greater degree in flexibility. The Chapter Master can detach a whole company or the company commander can detach a troop as a quick reaction force.
Plus it means I can paint up more models lol

so here are the Rhinos for the 3rd - 5th squads.
Kept the scheme fairly minimalistic, each vehicle has Chapter, company and squad delegation on.

I'll take some Photos of the squads later and add them tomorrow. 

Until then happy painting and I'll catch you on the sunny side.

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