Friday 22 November 2013

Leviathan Mortis Legs

Hi All

I haven't had a great deal of time to paint this week but I've managed to get a bit more work done on the legs of the Leviathans.

All the pistons, metal work and feet have been completed. really happy with this as it clears some space on my desk now they are assembled. It also means that I have been able to sort out the pose of the three sets of legs as well.

the Crusader legs are ay the stage where I will give them a filter to help add some shading and then I can battle damage them and add rust effects etc.

The idea being that the legs would receive the most damage as they wade through buildings and trees.

The Mortis legs are now complete (almost, I'll probably add some engine oil effects) with rust effects.

I did a bit of research and looked at old diggers to see how the hydraulic rams where effected by damage and wear and tear, surprisingly, whilst the body of the ram gets a lot of paint chipped off it the pistons, due to the constant movement and hydraulic fluid seem to stay polished.

The body has also started to have battle damage added.

so thats all for this week. I'll try and get some more done during the week and update it soon.

Regards Martin

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Dark Angels Command.......Asmodai

Hi All

So the leviathan build is going well. I'm waiting for some oils to dry before I continue.
I thought I'd share with you some of my painted models.

I've always had a love for Dark Angels and over the years have amassed quite a collection.
As with most of us, as my painting has improved I look back at my early models and am not happy with them at all.

Over the past year i have been re painting my DA and adding to it.

so with out further wait I present Asmodai.

This model was Probably the worst fine cast model i've had so far. I had to pretty much rebuild the whole of his right cheek. 
Overall I'm really happy how this has turned out.

Saturday 9 November 2013

The Leviathan build continues.

So quite a productive night tonight, Hair spray has been applied and followed up by a light coat of bone white.
These are all the high wear areas so have received quite a heavy amount of chipping. 

This isn't the finished effect by a long shot. oil washes, pigments and rust effects will be added later.

Leviathan Crusader

So the first model I'd like to share with you is the excellent Leviathan Crusader from Dreamforge.
This model is fantastic to put together and I'm glad I got involved in the kick starter.

Putting it together is a real easy evolution.

Just after getting the legs together I realised what a Beast this was going to be

I went with the Gothic vents as I felt this worked best for the look I was after.

Painted up In a Grey Knight colour scheme.

Here you can see my method for achieving the latin script. I Used a micro pen to right the script in and then Painted over the top with diluted Leather brown and highlighted with Plauge brown and then sand.

These are slightly smaller than Forge world Warhounds which makes them ideal for Knight Titan Proxies.

Here you can see how the Warhound and reaver weapons measure up.

Friday 8 November 2013

2 Crusaders and a I mad

So after painting the first leviathan crusader up as soon as it came through the door. I have decided to take my time on the next batch of them.
I'm fairly happy with the first one but i did rush it a bit. I painted it up in fairly standard Grey knight colours.
So for the next batch, 2 crusaders and a mortis, I want to use a fairly light colour and weather it up fairly heavily.
I'm still un-decided on the final detailing but that will come in a flash one late sleepless night.

Decided to break the painting into manageable chunks. all the armour plates have been undercoated grey and will be painted and shaded with Vallejo heavy skin tone up through sand with an almost white high light.
Later this will have oils added in various methods.

Some of the leg plates and shoulder plates, which i'm planning on adding a real heavy whether and battle damage to, I've painted in a couple of shades of brown/rust ready for hairspray and chipping.

The Final chunk consists of the legs, power plant and guns etc. These are all undercoated black, given a heavy dry-brush of silver and then i'll add washes and stuff later.

Sunday 3 November 2013

New Beginings

Hi all and welcome to my Blog.
I'm a bit nervous about starting a blog but wanted to start sharing my work with you all.
over the coming months i'm planning on sharing with you some of the models I have painted along with my WIP