Friday 8 November 2013

2 Crusaders and a I mad

So after painting the first leviathan crusader up as soon as it came through the door. I have decided to take my time on the next batch of them.
I'm fairly happy with the first one but i did rush it a bit. I painted it up in fairly standard Grey knight colours.
So for the next batch, 2 crusaders and a mortis, I want to use a fairly light colour and weather it up fairly heavily.
I'm still un-decided on the final detailing but that will come in a flash one late sleepless night.

Decided to break the painting into manageable chunks. all the armour plates have been undercoated grey and will be painted and shaded with Vallejo heavy skin tone up through sand with an almost white high light.
Later this will have oils added in various methods.

Some of the leg plates and shoulder plates, which i'm planning on adding a real heavy whether and battle damage to, I've painted in a couple of shades of brown/rust ready for hairspray and chipping.

The Final chunk consists of the legs, power plant and guns etc. These are all undercoated black, given a heavy dry-brush of silver and then i'll add washes and stuff later.

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