Friday 22 November 2013

Leviathan Mortis Legs

Hi All

I haven't had a great deal of time to paint this week but I've managed to get a bit more work done on the legs of the Leviathans.

All the pistons, metal work and feet have been completed. really happy with this as it clears some space on my desk now they are assembled. It also means that I have been able to sort out the pose of the three sets of legs as well.

the Crusader legs are ay the stage where I will give them a filter to help add some shading and then I can battle damage them and add rust effects etc.

The idea being that the legs would receive the most damage as they wade through buildings and trees.

The Mortis legs are now complete (almost, I'll probably add some engine oil effects) with rust effects.

I did a bit of research and looked at old diggers to see how the hydraulic rams where effected by damage and wear and tear, surprisingly, whilst the body of the ram gets a lot of paint chipped off it the pistons, due to the constant movement and hydraulic fluid seem to stay polished.

The body has also started to have battle damage added.

so thats all for this week. I'll try and get some more done during the week and update it soon.

Regards Martin

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