Saturday 9 November 2013

Leviathan Crusader

So the first model I'd like to share with you is the excellent Leviathan Crusader from Dreamforge.
This model is fantastic to put together and I'm glad I got involved in the kick starter.

Putting it together is a real easy evolution.

Just after getting the legs together I realised what a Beast this was going to be

I went with the Gothic vents as I felt this worked best for the look I was after.

Painted up In a Grey Knight colour scheme.

Here you can see my method for achieving the latin script. I Used a micro pen to right the script in and then Painted over the top with diluted Leather brown and highlighted with Plauge brown and then sand.

These are slightly smaller than Forge world Warhounds which makes them ideal for Knight Titan Proxies.

Here you can see how the Warhound and reaver weapons measure up.

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